About This Game Scuba's Ocean Odyssey is an underwater adventure that follows the fictional story of Scuba the Submersible, based on actual situations in the oceans today. Explore through different areas in the ocean and meet all kinds of sea creatures to learn about how the pollution affects them. Salvage trash and use it to craft items that help you in your missions and find the source of the garbage, as well as Scuba's origin. b4d347fde0 Title: Scuba's Ocean Odyssey VRGenre: Adventure, Casual, Early AccessDeveloper:Avolve InnovationsPublisher:Avolve InnovationsRelease Date: 22 Apr, 2019 Scuba's Ocean Odyssey VR Download Compressed File
Scuba's Ocean Odyssey VR Download Compressed File
Updated: Mar 13, 2020